Print Grades
Sometimes it is helpful to have a print-out of the grades so you can hand each student their grade on paper. To create such a print-out, follow the instructions below:
1) Select "Print Grades" from the "Advanced Options" menu as shown below:
2) Much as when you Share Grades (via email or Google Drive), you will be able to decide if you'd like to include a list of questions, the answer key, and a message to include to all students. Click 'Continue' when ready.
3) Flubaroo will create a single document with results for all students that can be printed out and distributed. There will be a page break between each student's report.
When Flubaroo is done, you will be shown a clickable link to the new file:
Note that the document may be empty when you first open it, especially if you have a lot of students. If this happens, just wait 3-4 minutes and then reload it. Google is just catching up with a ton of information that's just been written to the document by Flubaroo.
4) If you would like to find the print-out file later (rather than re-generating it), you can find it in your "My Drive" under a folder with the same name as the assignment (spreadsheet), which will be inside another folder called "Flubaroo - Shared Grades".