How to Include a Sticker

Looking how to add/upload stickers of your own? See this article.

Flubaroo can include a sticker or badge when sharing grades with students. The sticker will show up at the top-right of both emails and Google Docs:

You can include a sticker by first opening the "Share Grades" window:

Once there, click the "Show Advanced Options" link, and then "Setup Sticker". Both are shown in red squares below:

A window will pop-up (see below) asking you to:

    • Explicitly indicate that you'd like to include a sticker (be sure to check this box).

    • Enter the student's percent score at or above which a sticker will be included.

    • Pick the sticker you'd like to send.

    • Scroll left and right to find one you like, and then click it to select.

Finally, click "Done" and your sticker will be included if a student scores at or above the percent you set.